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In endeavoring to conform my opinions and behavior with the authoritative teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, I have, from time to time, received some slight or insult from less-than-genuine opponents. These insults have ranged from the generic (“pre-Vatican II”) to the truly hostile (“fascist”, “pervert”, “evil”, “uncatholic”.) I have tried to let these go, but I am not a saint. I have stewed in my anger, sometimes for days, sometimes for years. But, in time, I realize that each insult is not the worst thing a person could say about me. Normally, I realize this when the next insult comes along.

Recently, though, I was insulted in a completely novel and perfectly dehumanizing manner, to the point now that I wonder if I can ever be really insulted ever again. My existence has been called into being.

This is how it happened. A certain reader of The Cafeteria is Closed (who is completely without fault in this matter) found my RCIA story and, thinking it worthy of retelling, posted it to a liturgy bulletin board. Two women responded, one saying that the story “was a Church urban legend, had been around for years, and was total crap!” The second saying that I was not “me” but some other anti-liberal agitator who liked to lie.

Said certain reader posted a message on this blog apologizing for opening me up to derision. I went over to this bulletin board and read the comments. I was upset, but not tremendously. However, I consider this the greatest insult I have ever received. My experience, which brought me so close to my suffering Jesus that I became a member of his True Body, which has to be one of the hardest things I had to do as a kid, has been reduced to an “urban legend” and my own self to a state of non-existence by a couple of old lady windbags who dismiss the things they don’t like (perhaps feel some guilt for, or embarrassment over?).

So, a great insult but not a lot of anger. Why? I think it may be that insults that recognize the person insulted attack the ego. But if the insult denies the existence of the insulted, it cannot approach the ego. Therefore, it is not so much “I” being insulted, but “not-I” being insulted, and thus, my ego remaining undamaged, I feel almost no anger. How can a being show anger for being accused of not being?


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Holding the Shotgun

Mr. JPM, Papal altar designer, Vimp of the ferulo, and very important guy in certain D.C. liturgical circles: At the eye of Hurricane Benedict.

Out for Smokes (Editor Emeritus)

Mr. WAC, founder of FIB, now retired from active duty.

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I just want to congratulate you . . . for the great work you’re doing on your blog. I’m fairly new to blogging myself, but your blog seems to get a lot of traffic and it’s very well done. You certainly are “giving back” in a substantial way, and thus providing a wonderful service to the Church. . . . I’m going to visit your site more often and will offer comments as I can.

-Leon Suprenant, Past-President, Catholics United for the Faith

I much enjoyed your conversion story . . .. Your other material is also very interesting.

James Likoudis, Past-President, Catholic United for the Faith

Even though we’ve always had differing opinions on things like politics and religion. I have always felt proud of your conviction, even in our younger days. I have always felt I was a better person for knowing you . . ..

You rock.

-Eliza Pointer Lee, Childhood Friend

God bless you for standing up for Christ and His Church.

-Dan Hunter

Keep up the good cyber-work.

-Jim Herrick, Lexington [Kentucky] Latin Mass Committee

I enjoy the blog.

-Rev. Msgr. Charles Pope, Pastor, Holy Comforter, Washington, D.C.

Your blog lacks all the pretension and egoism that characterizes the vast majority of the blogosphere, and as such, is to be counted among the few, the proud, the only blogs worth reading.

-JPM, Frequent Commentator

I perused your site and was quite pleased with what I saw. Adding you to the blogroll now.

-Mike from Conservative Donnybrook

. . . it may be encouraging for you to know that we occasionally (read: approximately once monthly) mention your blog on our morning show. Because of your diligence, we were able to prepare adequately for a Padre Pio interview this morning. Keep up the good work.

Matt Swaim, Catholic Broadcaster and Author of Apoloblogology

I like the blog, too.

-Mrs. LMC, Wife of the Author